Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update Last Night from Steve William's Wife, Cindy

"I just got back to the hospital and it looks like Steve may be having some major surgery again. They have finally found the mechanical problem that they have been trying to find for a month. One of the primary bile ducts is enlarged and not functioning like it should to remove bile from the liver. They are going to have to actually make him another path to allow bile to exist the liver. They are building him up this week in preparation to do this type of surgery. If he does well, they are trying to see if they can go ahead and do this surgery as early as next week. Dr Calvo will be in later to discuss and confirm when this will be done. If so, he will be in the hospital for another week after the surgery is performed with a 4 week recovery. This should finally rresolve all the problems he has been having with his jandice and the liver trying to process and rid the bile. Looks like he is in for at least a two week stay if they can do it next week.
Steve has lost his cell phone in the hospital today so I will get him a new one when I am off work on Friday so if you need to talk to Steve, call him on the land line in his hospital room.
Area Code 919 966-2650.
Thanks and keep Steve in your prayers. We are excited that they have finally found the cause and that it is something they can fix."

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