Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update on My Cousin, Steve Williams, Please Keep Them In Your Prayers

"Steve’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. He now also has an infection. His body is so weak and fatigued that he can’t seem to fight anything off at all. They’ve started some antibiotics. He is very close to critical and will probably be headed to ICU unless there is some improvement. He is a very sick man.
They suspect he may have peritonitis as the infection. They think it is coming from all the fluid buildup from the intestines and surgery and that it has become infected with a bacteria that normal bodies would fight off.
The team of doctors are in here now and they are putting him back on IV’s.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this difficult time.
His brother Kenneth and his daughter Lolly are in route to the hospital now. "

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