Saturday, February 13, 2010

Robin & Mindy Visit Yellowstone

Robin, my nephew and his wife Mindy, recently visited Yellow Stone National Park. Looks a little too chilly for me!

Robert and I are now back in California. We had a wonderful week in Yellowstone National Park. It was warmer than usual (+ 20's during the day), but overcast most days. They have only had about half their normal amount of snowfall and it has been a mild winter, so the wildlife is surviving this winter well. I heard a wolf call for the first time (I had to ask someone what that loud fog horn like noise was) and we saw three black wolves in the Lamar Valley. I do not know which pack these wolves belong to, but they seemed healthy, not like the mangy lone wolf we saw in Alaska! We saw many bison (aka buffalo) and herds of elk. We also saw bighorn sheep, white tail deer, black tail deer, rabbits, coyotes, ravens, trumpeter swans, ducks and more than 10 bald eagles. For you birders, we saw several American Dippers in the rivers. It is so much easier to spot wildlife against a white background. I have attached a few photos.
If you don't mind cold and snow, Yellowstone is magical in winter and the crowds are gone. We had the Old faithful area to ourselves many days.

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