Saturday, February 13, 2010

Story on My Cousin, Steve Williams

We are so thankful that Steve continues to improve.
Annette & Ed

Feb 12
"They have taken the main line out of his neck and he is continuing to improve. They have him sitting up in a recliner. They are moving us out of ICU today..we are waiting on a room now." Cindy

Feb 11
"Surgery went well but lasted 11 hours..He is in ICU but doing great..They were able to get all the tumors in the liver. The next few days are very serious but he looks great. I'll keep you posted. Hopefully we will get out of ICU later today or tomorrow and get into a private room."

Feb 7
"Steve and I had his visit to UNC on Friday, February 5, 2010. He is scheduled for major liver surgery on Wednesday, Feb 10th at 8:30 a.m. at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill. He will be in the hospital for a minimum of 10 days. We are excited and nervous about the surgery but. it has been our goal from Day One!! Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. God is so good to us and we are sure that he has more in store for all of us."Love ya Cindy & Steve

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